About the Therapeutic Touch Trademark


The Therapeutic Touch Networks of Canada (TTNC) owns the Canadian trademark registration no. TMA580,182 for THERAPEUTIC TOUCH when used with healing practices performed by practitioners trained to be sensitive to the receiver's energy fields. As the owner of Canadian trademark registration no. TMA580,182, the TTNC has the exclusive right under section 19 of the Trademarks Act to use, and license others to use, THERAPEUTIC TOUCH in Canada with these services.

Trademark Wording

Structured and standardized healing practice performed by practitioners trained to be sensitive to the receiver's energy field that surrounds the body; there are three progressive levels of advancing depth, training and experience; the practice is conducted in a standard sequence of steps by passing the hands over and around the receiver's body, and by means of compassion and intent attempting to balance and smooth the receiver's energy field; no touching is required.

Policy for Trademark Usage

The Therapeutic Touch Networks of Canada (TTNC) authorizes members of the TTNO and associated Canadian networks to use the trademark Therapeutic Touch® in their practice when they are a member in good standing in the province/territory in which they reside.

This means:

  • They have paid their annual membership dues.
  • They have signed the Code of Ethics (or equivalent) required by their member network.
  • They have taken a minimum of Therapeutic Touch Level 1/Foundations of Therapeutic Touch course.

Download the TTNC Policy for the Use of the Trademark Trademark Policy - TTNC Policy For Use [June 2023]
Download the TTNC Policy for Infringement Trademark Policy - TTNC Policy For Infringement [June 2018]