The TTNO Brampton Branch Gets the Word Out

2017 05 Brampton Branch NewsFour members of the TTNO Brampton Branch participated in the Humber Hospital Wellness Day Fair on April 25th. This expert Therapeutic Touch team's demonstration of TT with free 10 minute treatments generated so much interest there they were then asked to return to the Nursing Week Fair on May 12th. During both these days there was a flurry of interest and activity. They were told it was the favorite booth. Along with providing treatments the group imparted information and encouraged many to look into taking a Level 1 workshop. Both days were very busy for us.

Jennifer states, "It was gratifying to be able to help others to learn about TT and the many positive ways it encourages health and healing. This theme resonates in a health care setting. We have been asked to return next year!!"