Therapeutic Touch at the Al Green Art Studio

On March 28 Crystahawk crystall Hawk gave a talk on “TT for Self-Care” to the Al Green Sculpture Studio where she had been a member for 15 years. This was an early CARE150 Therapeutic Touch Awareness week event since she will be in Vancouver presenting at the BC TT Network Conference during that week.

Eighteen members attended including several retired medical personnel, a doctor, a dentist and two nurses. Each of those attending received a 6-page information TT book explaining the modality. The members took part in some exercises to learn unruffling and its uses, energized cotton, and saw a demonstration of the Hand-Heart Connection. Unexpectedly, at one point one attendee told of her experience when Crystal helped her with TT through a difficult surgery she had several years ago. Then five more members told their stories of being helped with TT at various times. Crystal had totally forgotten how many times she had offered TT to members and their family members over the years. This made the event very personal. Then members who had used their energized cotton wash cloths on various parts of their bodies during the talk began to report positive outcomes. A leg and a knee had stopped hurting. The event was closed with members doing the “Blue Bottle Imagery” with the gifted blue stones in their hands. Crystal appreciated being able to offer something of interest to so many old friends. Since it was the day before Crystal’s 88th birthday they ended with a birthday cake and ice cream. Crystal is the co-founder, along with Mary Simpson, of The Therapeutic Touch Network of Ontario.