Therapeutic Touch at Upcoming Conferences

Therapeutic Touch conference speakerThe Canadian Association of Specialized Kinesiology is hosting the International Kinesiology Conference in Banff, AB on Sept.23 -27, 2015. Members of the TTNA will have a booth at which they will be distributing info about Therapeutic Touch. More impressive is that Chery Ann Hoffmeyer,  TTNA teacher [see photo insert], is presenting a major paper at this conference on Therapeutic Touch and 'confluence' which is the theme of the conference. Go to to view a great website where you will find a list of the speakers.

The Canadian Hospice and Palliative Care conference will be held in Ottawa, Ont. on Oct. 29 to Nov.1, 2015. The theme is 'New Challenges - New Horizons: Moving Forward'.

The Ottawa Therapeutic Touch practice group will be distributing Therapeutic Touch brochures and providing other information at this conference. Dr. David Maginley, a chaplain and  ATTN member has been invited to do a webinar on Spirituality. He teaches Therapeutic Touch and uses it in his work at a hospice at Victoria General Hospital in Halifax. Go to for more info.

It is an exciting time to have Therapeutic Touch featured and have great exposure at these prominent venues.  Many thanks to the practitioners involved in these endeavors.