Therapeutic Touch for Self-Care Introduced to Hospice Simcoe Staff and Volunteers

Recognizing that those who work at Hospice Simcoe are stressed with all that COVID requires, on April 23rd, Arlene Cugelman, RT, presented a Zoom meeting to introduce “Self-Care with Therapeutic Touch” to all volunteers and staff.  Using a short PowerPoint presentation, Therapeutic Touch (TT) was explained , centering was introduced with a breath meditation and, after teaching how to clear the hand, theywent on to self-care with TT.   This was done referencing parts of Be Your Own Healer: Self-Care with Therapeutic Touch by Crystal Hawk and Alison Cooke.   To support their continued use and rising questions in the coming weeks they were referred to the TTNO website’s Frequently asked Questions section, to for Crystal and Alison’s book and to the  wonderful YouTube channel that accompanies the book. Close to 30 people attended and found it helpful for these times. Feedback following the presentation showed their appreciation for receiving immediately usable tools.