Malia C. Ronderos has been on vacation in Mexico. While there, she met with the head of the Oncology Department at the Hospital de la Niñez Oaxaqueña in a small village near the capital city of Oaxaca. She offered to provide Therapeutic Touch to the nurses who are at the forefront of the cancer unit. Malia’s offer was welcomed as the need to provide support for the nurses is well-recognized. Because of the limited financial and human resources available in these hospitals, nurses in general don’t have access to any support to help them process the pain and suffering they witness and experience on a daily basis. Nor do they have money for self-care. Most have never received a massage, physiotherapy or counseling.
The goal for now, is to offer Therapeutic Touch® to help nurses reduce stress, to improve their personal well-being, and to avoid potential burnout. Malia is offering Therapeutic Touch three times a week during this month. Nurses will have the chance to receive a 30-minute session before or after their shift. So far they seem to welcome TT and are interested in exploring at some point, the possibility of adding TT as a complementary therapy in the cancer unit.
At the moment there are 30 nurses providing care in the Oncology ward and a few more in Palliative care. Their deep and genuine commitment to their profession is truly remarkable. For Malia, their good nature, warmth, and smiles, make it worth travelling the distance to get there three times a week.