Professional Development Day in Toronto September 17 & 18, 2022

Therapeutic Touch Practitioners from different parts of Ontario joined together on Zoom for an inspiring exploration of “Being of Service” facilitated by Crystal Hawk and Paula Neilson. Participants not only dialogued but turned their creativity towards writing acrostics for the word, Service. Our closing music – One by Carole King – captured what we were feeling: It just amazes me that I can be Part of the energy it takes to serve each other And I wonder what am I gonna do What can one do Except be one Each of us is one--all of us are one We are
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Professional Development Day in Elora September 11

Twelve Therapeutic Touch practitioners enjoyed the TTNO Professional Development Day "Being of Service in Therapeutic Touch" on September 11. The day, facilitated by Deb Gould, explored the concept of being in service as we give our Therapeutic Touch sessions. The concept of the healing partner became more meaningful as we thought about ourselves as serving, rather than fixing or helping. Our own Eilleen Yorysh, Qi Gong Instructor,  offered Qi Gong and Tai Chi movements during the breaks & ahead of lunch.  It was a wonderful addition of stretching and movement.
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TT Level 1 in Elora

Meet our latest TTNO (Introductory) members. On March 5, 2022, with relaxing COVID protocols, eight enthusiastic people met in the home of Deb Gould to learn Level 1 Therapeutic Touch. As you can see,  masks and hand hygiene were incorporated into the day. They will continue on to Level 2 and then take a Foundations Tune-Up to catch up to the new curriculum. You can tell from the smiling 'eyes' that they had a great day. So nice to see in person classes taking place again!
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TT at St. Mark’s United Church Virtual Service

On Sunday January 31, 2021 Therapeutic Touch (TT) was part of ST. Mark's United Church virtual service.   St. Mark's monthly community clinic which usually occurs in the sanctuary is now offered in a distant format.  An introduction to participate in our distant TT clinic and testimonials from participants were shared.  KoKreative's Therapeutic Touch DVD ( was shown.  This DVD begins as Rev. David Maginley, Lutheran pastor and TT practitioner, speaks of where TT fits in his religious views and how he uses TT In his role as hospital chaplain.  Later in the DVD, a homecare professional and TT practitioner shares her insights into
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Therapeutic Touch International Association Congress May 5-7, 2022

You're invited to the 6th International Congress, celebrating 50 years of Therapeutic Touch: Yesterday - Today -Tomorrow The congress will be both in person and online. Keynote Speakers: Cathy Fanslow - From the Beginning Janet Quinn - The Most Beautiful Way of the Healer: Love by any Other Name Mary Anne Hanley & Eunice Lee - Future of TT: Imagining the Possibilities (link to event removed from site)  
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Therapeutic Touch Awareness Week May 5-11, 2022

Join us as we celebrate Therapeutic Touch Awareness Week May 5-11. TT Awareness Week is a world-wide initiative to promote awareness of Therapeutic Touch® and strengthen our involvement in our communities. Using social media, Zoom and YouTube we reach out to introduce TT to people we know and people who make a difference; doctors, nurses, hospice staff, and Long Term Care staff. We encourage you to embrace distant Therapeutic Touch providing TT from your homes to friends and those you work with, organizations, healthcare facilities and businesses. You’ll be amazed at the incredible, heartwarming feedback you’ll get. For members of
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Eastminster United Church Members Receive TT

For the past few years, members of the East End TT Branch (Toronto) have been giving Therapeutic Touch to members of the congregation at Eastminster United Church as part of our TTAW initiative. Because of COVID-19 and social distancing, we decided to give distant TT sessions this year.  We received a number of requests and the responses from the recipients were very positive. Here are some comments: “The best way to describe it is that a warm, but not warm weighted, but weightless energy feeling came over me. Thanks again. Also, I slept very soundly." "I wasn't sure what to
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Whitby 55+ Recreation Services Learn About TT

Wednesday, May 13 at 10:00 am Lynn Vukosavljevic did a phone presentation for Whitby 55+ Recreation Services, introducing Therapeutic Touch for Self-Care. This was her first phone presentation. She used the TTAW Introductory PowerPoint o guide her talk. Six people attended and several people were very engaged, asking terrific questions. So, the presentation had more of a conversational feel as she was able to address questions as they arose. Her contact person at Whitby 55+ asked if she would be interested in repeating this session in June. She has booked her for a six-week Therapeutic Touch for Self Care Series
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Oshawa Seniors Learn About TT

Monday, May 11 at 1:00 pm a Zoom presentation for Oshawa Seniors Community Centre (OSCC55+) was presented by Lynn Vukosavljevic. This was Lynn's first Zoom presentation, so was a big learning curve for her. Twenty-three people attended and asked good questions. Lynn has been asked to come back in June and has booked her for a four-week Therapeutic Touch for Self Care Series, September 18 - October 9.
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